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Reshaping Time At The Snowy Festival

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Musik von Airpligx

Reshaping Time At The Snowy Festival is an inspirational, contemplative mixed pop track. 

Especially suitable for: 

A contemplative pop track capturing a snowy festival's magic, where time bends and memories dance with snowflakes. Inspirational, snowy festival pop; reshaping time and memories; ideal for magical winter celebration visuals. 

Orchestration (summarized): 

Percussion, Pitched Percussion, Voices, Synths, FX

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Reshaping Time At The Snowy Festival is imbued with the contemplative spirit of a snow-white festival, where time seems to bend and stretch in the crisp winter air. The melody carries the transformative power of these moments, creating an atmosphere where past, present, and future converge in a dance of snowflakes and memories.

It's perfect for visual content that captures the essence of a winter celebration, where every moment is an opportunity to reshape time and experience the magic anew.

"Reshaping time at a snowy festival" is a metaphorical expression, suggesting a transformative experience that alters one's perception of time. At a snowy festival, where a blanket of snow transforms the landscape, time might seem to stand still or become malleable. It's a poetic way of describing how significant moments or enchanting experiences can feel outside of conventional time, creating lasting memories that reshape how we view our past and future.

In a more literal sense, the phrase refers to how festivals, especially those in winter, can break the monotony of the colder months and bring a sense of renewal or change. The festivities might include timeless traditions or activities that reconnect us with the past, thus 'reshaping' our experience of time during the festival period.

Klangvitrine: Interaktive Erkundung musikalischer Metadaten




Reshaping Time At The Snowy Festival

Reshaping Time At The Snowy Festival (Inspirational, Transformative, Festive, Magic, Contemplative)

Beschreibender Titel:

Alternativer Titel:


Verfügbare Versionen:

V1 Main, V2 Medium, V3 Short, V4 Sting, V1 - V4 (Narrative/Soft/Light)

Schläge pro Minute (BPM):




Musikdauer (Min:Sek):

V1 1:54, V2 1:07, V3 0:36, V4 0:24


Airpligx (GEMA IPI: 01011718999)

Verlag / Verlagsrechte:




TV-Monitoring / Content ID / Sonstiges Tracking:


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Percussion (Drum Set)
Pitched Percussion (Piano)
Voices (Choirs)
Synths (Synth Bass 1, Synth Bass 2, FM Synth, Synthesizer, Pad 1, Pad 2, Pad 3, Pad 4, FX 4, FX 7)
FX (Hand Claps)


celebration, contemplative, dance, festive, frozen, happiness, holiday, inspirational, introspective, joy, magic, memories, mixed-pop, nostalgia, reflective, reshape, snowflakes, snowy, time, transformative, vibrant, winter, wonder, wistful, whimsical, white, warmth, vision, unity, timeless

Airpligx Productions

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